New year school resolution

There is somethings that I want to accomplish. one of them is to get better grades mostly in history and math. so i can get an A in everything! its also to finish homework faster and make it an A.

i want to get projects done well. i want to also not talk a lot when we are doing projects. also i want to not be as funny but still be funny (also i want to be better at COD and not defect RPG shots)

1ST POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone im Elliott with my 1st post! ill tell you about my experience with 6th grade, 6th grade is good pretty fun but the homework is stressful, math is fun, science is fun also every class is fun! but we have no recesses but… we have iPads and free time every Wednesday and the homework is always due the next two days! also we have to not stand in lines like we did in k-5th. we also do not need a teacher to wach us when we go class to class! we have somewhat more ‘freedom’ then k-5th does we have 4 classes a day and they are each 1hr 30 min long! and we have every class every other day


i hope you have a great month no matter what month!

sincerely Elliott bye!